Understanding data security in cloned databases created using DBCC CLONEDATABASE

DBCC CLONEDATABASE feature was first introduced in SQL Server with SQL Server 2014 SP2 and was later added to SQL Server 2016 with SP1. The primary design goal for DBCC CLONEDATABASE which the SQL Product team had in mind is to provide mechanism to create fast, minimally invasive and transaction ally consistent database clones, useful…

Remote Blob Storage (RBS) client library setup requirements in SQL Server 2016

Cross post from https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sql_server_team/remote-blob-storage-rbs-client-library-setup-requirements-in-sql-server-2016/ Remote BLOB Store (RBS) is a client library with SQL Server which allows developers to store, access, retrieve binary large objects (BLOBs) outside SQL Server database files while still maintaining the ACID properties and transactional consistency of data in Blob store. RBS allows you to efficiently utilize storage and IO resources…

Boosting Update Statistics performance with SQL 2014 SP1/CU6

Cross post from https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sql_server_team/boosting-update-statistics-performance-with-sql-2014-sp1cu6/ With SQL 2005 end of life, many customers are planning their upgrades to SQL 2014. One of the recommended post upgrade tasks is updating the statistics of all the tables and databases in latest compatibility level. The updated statistics ensures the new optimizer in the latest release has most up to…

Performance Tuning of SSRS & the use of Emptypoint with SSRS charts

I would have never realized the relevance of the EmptyPoint property in the Chart Series until I hit the issue while performance tuning of one such SSRS report for a customer. Here is the background, The SSRS report we intend to tune consists of Line graph to measure the pageviews across months for different site….


  Many times we need to reinstall a sql server instance due to number of reason. Whenever you reinstall the sql server instance the success of the installation of the new sql server instance primarily depends on the whether the previous uninstall of the sql server was clean so that all the registry keys and…

Queries MAY Appear to RUN SLOW on SQL SERVER COMPACT EDITION v3.1 Database

While running your application on SQL CE v3.1 databases you may observe slowness in the performance of some of the queries especially those which involve querying the primary key. In Sql server databases when you create a Primary Key on a column of a table, it will automatically create a unique index on the column…

Did you know… The applications like Infopath may fail to submit data into table in SQL Server if the table is included in Merge replication

You are able to submit the data in the table using the application like InfoPath 2007 but when you go ahead and add the table in the Merge Replication Publication, the insert into the table using the InfoPath form starts to fail. This issue occurs when we have the application designed to insert data into…